IQA ( International Quality Award)
Awarded with International Quality Award for Excellence in Maternity Care at Goa
Year :  2016

World Wide Achievers Awards
Awarded with Best Promising Maternity Hospital of the Year ( Western India) at Delhi
Year :  2015

ABP Healthcare Awards
Awarded with Best Hospital in Social Care Support at Mumbai
Year :  2015

South Asia E-Health Summit Award
Awarded for Best Patient Safety Initiative Award at Delhi
Year :  2015

Global Healthcare Excellence Award
Awarded with Best Maternity Hospital in Mahartastra for Wadia Hospitals at Prime Time Research Media Private Limited, Delhi 
Year :  2015

SCO Awards
Awarded with Standard Certified Organization (SCO) Most reliable & authentic pediatric care hospital brand of the year at Mumbai
Year :  2015

Asia Healthcare Excellence Award
Awarded for been Best Green Hospital at Delhi
Year :  2015

Asia Healthcare Excellence Award
Awarded with Best Hospital in Gyneac Care at Delhi
Year :  2015

World Wide Achievers Awards
Awarded for been Most affordable Hospital of the Year ( Obst & Gyn) at  The Leela Mumbai
Year :  2015

World Wide Achievers Awards
Awarded for been Most affordable Hospital of the Year ( Obst & Gyn) at  The Leela Mumbai
Year :  2015